Free Mimosas

¡Feliz Día de las Madres!

Feliz Dia De Las Madres Happy Mother's Day Oyster Shooters Orange County Cajun Fire Crab

¡Feliz Día de las Madres! May 10, 2018 is Mexican Mother's Day so we wanted to take a moment to thank all the madres out there for holding it down. This Sunday, May 13th, is the regular Mother's Day and we will be giving out free Momosas (our version of mimosas) to all mommies who come in to dine with us. Take your mom out for some cajun goodness and we'll take care of her with a free mimosa. If she wants more, we'll give her more. Afterall, it's her day. Time to treat that lady right! Oh, and Momosas go well with our always fresh oysters and oyster shooters. Get a dozen of your favorite or get a sampler. Either way, you can't go wrong! Come on in this Sunday for Mother's Day!